ASP: Digg Style Pagination Script

This is ASP based pagination script, similiar to pagination. The credit goes to Jason Coleman who written this script in PHP and I simply converted this into ASP. I have attached screenshot this will help you to see how it looks like.

Demo Digg Style Pagination Script

Download Script


Many people were asking how to add this code into our own projects. I have included the code, I hope this will help you in integrating this script.

<!–#include file=”pagination.asp” –>
dim objcon, objrs, totalpages, page, numPerPage, countItem
set objcon=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
set objrs=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.RecordSet”)
countItem = 0
numPerPage = 5
objrs.cursorlocation = 3
if request(“page”) = “” then
end if connectionString “SELECT * FROM Customers”, objcon,1,2
if objrs.EOF then
Response.Write(“<h2>Sorry! No Search Result Found</h2>”)
objRs.pageSize = numPerPage
totalpages = objRs.PageCount
while not objrs.EOF AND countItem < objRs.pageSize
Response.Write(“YOUR CODE GOES HERE”)
countItem = countItem + 1
ps = getPaginationString(page, objrs.RecordCount, numPerPage, 2, “demo.asp?yourcustomparams=PARAM&name=NAME&Search=Search”)
end if
‘always cleanup things
set objrs=nothing
set objcon=nothing

26 thoughts on “ASP: Digg Style Pagination Script”

  1. you should have knowledge of asp/php syntax.. functions are almost similar or you may find easily by searching documentation.. I have good knowledge in both languages.. so it took just 25 mins to convert this script.

  2. Hi,

    There is a bug in the script. When you increase the adjacent value to more then 2 to let say 4 it disables the “Next” button when you reach the last page just before the first break “…”.


  3. Hello !!
    Excelent Script, many thanks !!!!
    Only one bug, try this :

    Press “Next” Button, and then press the last page. The script go to page 1, and no the last. This problem is becouse the parametrers is ?foo=barpage=938 (and the correct syntax is ?foo=bar&page=938). The “&” betwen bar and page).

    Thanks again, and sorry for my bad, bad english

  4. Hi thanks alot fro the script. It works great. but i want to know how can i link it to a recordset. and how if i place the function in a new page and call it as a include file. right now i manage to call it from include file and i can display teh records..let say the 15 records. but when i click next it doesnt move to the next 15 records. please help..i really appreciate it.

    sSQL1 = “SELECT * FROM country1 ”
    set RsCountry = conn.Execute(sSQL1)
    ps = getPaginationString(page, sstring, slimit, sadjacent, stargetpage)

    If Not RsCountry.EOF Then

    Country ID

    <tr bgcolor=”” align=”center”>

    this is in testpagination paeg and the function is in function page. right now the output of the code is a single record and stays the same on click of any page.

  5. Meg and others, JoyJ is rigth, if you don’t dominate ASP you may have a problem applying this script to it. But this is as simple as it gets. All you have to do is look at the following piece of code:
    ps = getPaginationString(page, 1500, 15, 2, “mytestpage3.asp?foo=bar”)

    See, the number 1500 reflects the full amount of records your recordset will return, 15 reflects how many you want to display per page. So all you need to do is store the amount of returnede records into a variable and replace the 1500 with it, then establish the amount of records you want to be displayed per page by replacing number 15 with whatever number of records you want to show on each page. The last thing you will need to do is modify your SQL query to return the total amount of records so you can store it on the variable, but also based on the ?foo=bar&page=PageNumber value, you can use this as a querystring to tell your query the range of records you want to read from, for instance, if you determine that you have a total of 100 recs and want to split them by ten each, then your query shoud return 1 – 10 when ?foo=bar&page=1, then 10 – 20 when ?foo=bar&page=2 and so on…

    Good luck

  6. Here is a piece of the code I implemented, I hope it helps

    Comm.CommandText = “Select Count(*) as Count from articles”
    Set RS = Comm.Execute
    Reqs = RS(“Count”)
    Page = Request(“Page”)
    If Page = “” then Page = 1
    comm.commandtext = “SELECT *”&_
    “rownum, Article_ID, Title, Body, Create_date, “&_
    “meta_description FROM articles) AS Articles2 “&_
    “WHERE rownum >= “&Page&” AND rownum <= “&Cint(page)+ 5

  7. Hey mate, I really liked what you do with the script and I am dying to make it work on my ASP-MySQL page. I did manage to make it work on my PHP-MySQL page but not in my ASP page. Could you help me by giving an example on the working script together with the real data from the database? Thanks in advance!

  8. Hi! Tell me please, what does function parameters means?
    “getPaginationString(page, totalitems, limit, adjacents, targetpage)”

    page – current page
    totalitems – whole amount of pages in Recordset
    limit – ?
    adjacents – ?
    targetpage – link to page.

  9. below is the code where i want to past the pagination. can u help me put your best pagination script in there? thank you so much!


    sFileName = “Default.asp”
    sTemplateFileName = “Default.htm”

    LoadTemplate sAppPath & sTemplateFileName, “main”

    LoadTemplate sHeaderFileName, “Header”

    SetVar “FileName”, sFileName

    Parse “Header”, False
    Parse “main”, False
    Response.write PrintVar(“main”)


    Sub Grid_Show()

    Dim sWhere
    sWhere = “”
    sOrder = “”
    sSQL = “”
    HasParam = false

    SetVar “TransitParams”, “name=” & ToURL(GetParam(“name”)) & “&dep_id=” & ToURL(GetParam(“dep_id”)) & “&email=” & ToURL(GetParam(“email”)) & “&”
    SetVar “FormParams”, “name=” & ToURL(GetParam(“name”)) & “&dep_id=” & ToURL(GetParam(“dep_id”)) & “&email=” & ToURL(GetParam(“email”)) & “&”
    ‘ Build WHERE statement

    pdep_id = GetParam(“dep_id”)
    if IsNumeric(pdep_id) and not isEmpty(pdep_id) then pdep_id = CLng(pdep_id) else pdep_id = Empty
    if not isEmpty(pdep_id) then
    HasParam = true
    sWhere = sWhere & “e.dep_id=” & pdep_id
    end if

    pemail = GetParam(“email”)
    if not isEmpty(pemail) then
    if not (sWhere = “”) then sWhere = sWhere & ” and ”
    HasParam = true
    sWhere = sWhere & “ like ‘%” & replace(pemail, “‘”, “””) & “%'”
    end if

    pname = GetParam(“name”)
    if not isEmpty(pname) then
    if not (sWhere = “”) then sWhere = sWhere & ” and ”
    HasParam = true
    sWhere = sWhere & “ like ‘%” & replace(pname, “‘”, “””) & “%'”
    end if

    if HasParam then sWhere = ” AND (” & sWhere & “)”
    ‘ Build ORDER statement
    sOrder = ” order by Asc”
    iSort = GetParam(“FormGrid_Sorting”)
    iSorted = GetParam(“FormGrid_Sorted”)
    sDirection = “”
    if IsEmpty(iSort) then
    SetVar “Form_Sorting”, “”
    if iSort = iSorted then
    SetVar “Form_Sorting”, “”
    sDirection = ” DESC”
    sSortParams = “FormGrid_Sorting=” & iSort & “&FormGrid_Sorted=” & iSort & “&”
    SetVar “Form_Sorting”, iSort
    sDirection = ” ASC”
    sSortParams = “FormGrid_Sorting=” & iSort & “&FormGrid_Sorted=” & “&”
    end if

    if iSort = 1 then sOrder = ” order by” & sDirection
    if iSort = 2 then sOrder = ” order by e.title” & sDirection
    if iSort = 3 then sOrder = ” order by” & sDirection
    if iSort = 4 then sOrder = ” order by e.work_phone” & sDirection
    if iSort = 5 then sOrder = ” order by” & sDirection
    if iSort = 6 then sOrder = ” order by e.sponsor” & sDirection ‘added
    if iSort = 7 then sOrder = ” order by e.joining_date” & sDirection ‘added
    if iSort = 8 then sOrder = ” order by e.ip” & sDirection ‘added
    end if

    ‘ Build full SQL statement

    sSQL = “select e.dep_id as e_dep_id, ” & _
    “ as e_email, ” & _
    “e.emp_id as e_emp_id, ” & _
    “ as e_name, ” & _
    “e.title as e_title, ” & _
    “e.work_phone as e_work_phone, ” & _

    “e.joining_date as e_joining_date, ” & _
    “e.ip as e_ip, ” & _
    “e.sponsor as e_sponsor, ” & _
    “d.dep_id as d_dep_id, ” & _
    “ as d_name ” & _

    ” from emps e, deps d” & _
    ” where d.dep_id=e.dep_id ”

    sSQL = sSQL & sWhere & sOrder
    SetVar “SortParams”, sSortParams

    ‘ Open recordset
    openrs rs, sSQL
    if rs.eof then
    ‘ Recordset is empty
    set rs = nothing
    SetVar “DListGrid”, “”
    Parse “GridNoRecords”, False
    Parse “FormGrid”, False
    exit sub
    end if

    ‘added pagination
    ‘ Select current page
    iPage = GetParam(“Formemps_Page”)
    if IsEmpty(iPage) then iPage = 1
    ‘ Open recordset
    openrs rs, sSQL
    if rs.eof then
    ‘ Recordset is empty
    set rs = nothing
    SetVar “DListemps”, “”
    Parse “empsNoRecords”, False
    SetVar “empsScroller”, “”
    Parse “Formemps”, False
    exit sub
    end if

    aemp_level = Split(“0;;3;Admin”, “;”)
    amanmonth = Split(“0;;1;Yes”, “;”)
    iCounter = 0
    while not rs.eof and iCounter < (iPage-1)*15
    iCounter = iCounter + 1
    iCounter = 0

    ‘end pagination

    ‘ Show main table based on recordset
    while not rs.EOF and iCounter < 15
    fldname = GetValue(rs, “e_name”)
    fldtitle = GetValue(rs, “e_title”)
    flddep_id = GetValue(rs, “d_name”)
    fldwork_phone = GetValue(rs, “e_work_phone”)
    fldemail = GetValue(rs, “e_email”)
    fldemail=”” & fldemail & “
    fldsponsor = GetValue(rs,”e_sponsor”)
    fldjoining_date = GetValue(rs,”e_joining_date”)
    fldip = GetValue(rs,”e_ip”)

    SetVar “name”, ToHTML(fldname)
    SetVar “name_URLLink”, “EmpDetail.asp”
    SetVar “Prm_emp_id”, ToURL(GetValue(rs, “e_emp_id”))
    SetVar “title”, ToHTML(fldtitle)
    SetVar “dep_id”, ToHTML(flddep_id)
    SetVar “work_phone”, ToHTML(fldwork_phone)
    SetVar “email”, fldemail
    SetVar “sponsor”, ToHTML(fldsponsor)
    SetVar “joining_date”, ToHTML(fldjoining_date)
    SetVar “ip”, ToHTML(fldip)

    Parse “DListGrid”, True

    iCounter = iCounter + 1
    ‘end added


    ‘ Parse scroller
    if rs.EOF and iPage = 1 then
    SetVar “empsScroller”, “”
    if rs.EOF then
    SetVar “empsScrollerNextSwitch”, “_”
    SetVar “NextPage”, (iPage + 1)
    SetVar “empsScrollerNextSwitch”, “”
    end if

    if iPage = 1 then
    SetVar “empsScrollerPrevSwitch”, “_”
    SetVar “PrevPage”, (iPage – 1)
    SetVar “empsScrollerPrevSwitch”, “”
    end if

    SetVar “empsCurrentPage”, iPage
    Parse “empsScroller”, False
    end if

    ‘end added

    set rs = nothing
    SetVar “GridNoRecords”, “”
    Parse “FormGrid”, False

    End Sub

    Sub Search_Show()

    SetVar “ActionPage”, “Default.asp”

    ‘ Set variables with search parameters

    flddep_id = GetParam(“dep_id”)
    fldname = GetParam(“name”)
    fldemail = GetParam(“email”)
    ‘ Show fields

    SetVar “LBdep_id”, “”
    SetVar “ID”, “”
    SetVar “Value”, “All”
    Parse “LBdep_id”, True
    openrs rsdep_id, “select dep_id, name from deps order by 2”
    while not rsdep_id.EOF
    SetVar “ID”, GetValue(rsdep_id, 0) : SetVar “Value”, GetValue(rsdep_id, 1)
    if cstr(GetValue(rsdep_id, 0)) = cstr(flddep_id) then SetVar “Selected”, “SELECTED” else SetVar “Selected”, “”
    Parse “LBdep_id”, True
    set rsdep_id = nothing

    SetVar “name”, ToHTML(fldname)
    SetVar “email”, ToHTML(fldemail)
    Parse “FormSearch”, False
    End Sub

    Sub EmpMonth_Show()

    Dim sWhere
    sWhere = “”
    sOrder = “”
    sSQL = “”
    HasParam = false

    SetVar “TransitParams”, “”
    SetVar “FormParams”, “”
    ‘ Build WHERE statement

    sWhere = ” WHERE manmonth=1″

    ‘ Build full SQL statement

    sSQL = “select as e_name, ” & _
    “e.picture as e_picture ” & _
    ” from emps e ”

    sSQL = sSQL & sWhere & sOrder
    ‘ Open recordset
    openrs rs, sSQL
    if rs.eof then
    ‘ Recordset is empty
    set rs = nothing
    SetVar “DListEmpMonth”, “”
    Parse “EmpMonthNoRecords”, False
    Parse “FormEmpMonth”, False
    exit sub
    end if

    ‘ Show main table based on recordset
    while not rs.EOF
    fldpicture = GetValue(rs, “e_picture”)
    fldname = GetValue(rs, “e_name”)
    flddep_id = GetValue (rs, “d_name”)

    SetVar “picture”, fldpicture
    SetVar “name”, ToHTML(fldname)
    SetVar “d_name”, ToHTML(fldd_name)
    Parse “DListEmpMonth”, True



    set rs = nothing
    SetVar “EmpMonthNoRecords”, “”
    Parse “FormEmpMonth”, False

    End Sub


  10. I have already given the sample code but here is it again.

    create connection and recordset obj
    set objcon=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
    set objrs=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.RecordSet”) “….”
    countItem = 0
    numPerPage = 5
    objrs.cursorlocation = 3
    if request(“page”) = “” then
    end if “SELECT * FROM SOMETABLE”, objcon,1,2
    if not objrs.EOF then
    objRs.pageSize = numPerPage
    totalpages = objRs.PageCount
    while not objrs.EOF AND countItem < objRs.pageSize ..... do some stuff here countItem = countItem + 1 objrs.movenext() wend ps = getPaginationString(page, objrs.RecordCount, numPerPage, 2, "mypage.asp?optional="&parameter&"&goes="&here&"&Search=Search") Response.Write(ps) end if ... clean things.. conn, record set

  11. @Ajit Jadhav

    If you copy and paste the code, depending on the html editor you use, sometimes the quotations marks won’t copy over properly and you’ll get an error. So check that.

  12. Hello,
    I tried implementing this,,But I am getting an error message:
    Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a000d’
    Type mismatch: ‘getPaginationString’

    /onlinetools/ccr/preApprove1.asp, line 171

    This is what I did:

    dim objcon, objrs, totalpages, page, numPerPage, countItem
    sql=”select * from fortune_list2Q10 with (NOLOCK) where list_type = 3 and status = ‘” & Request.QueryString(“status”) & “‘ order by company ASC”

    Set objcon = New dbConnection
    Set objRs=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”)
    countItem = 0
    numPerPage = 50
    objrs.cursorlocation = 3
    if request(“page”) = “” then
    end if
    objRs.Open sql,objCon.Connection,1,2

    if objrs.EOF then
    Response.Write(“Sorry! No Search Result Found”)
    objRs.pageSize = numPerPage
    totalpages = objRs.PageCount
    response.write “”
    response.write “NASPCompany”
    while not objrs.EOF AND countItem < objRs.pageSize
    Response.write “” & objRs(“nasp”) & “” & objRs(“company”) & “”

    countItem = countItem + 1
    ps = getPaginationString(page, objrs.RecordCount, numPerPage, 2, “preApprove1.asp?yourcustomparams=PARAM&name=NAME&Search=Search”)
    end if
    ‘always cleanup things

    set objrs=nothing
    set objcon=nothing

    Am I missing anything?

  13. My pagenumber links doesnot display the records as it should. It just displays all the records on all pages.
    My sql query is as follows:
    sql = “select * ” & _
    “from fortune_list2Q10 ” & _
    “where list_type = 3 ” & _
    “and status = ‘” & Request.QueryString(“status”) & “‘ ” & _
    “and rownum >= ‘” &(Cint(page)*50)& “‘ ” & _
    “and rownum <= ‘” &(Cint(page)+50)& “‘ ” & _
    “order by company ASC”

    it displays the first 50 records on all pages. What am I missing here?

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